Path Hardship Fund |
Most people we see live on low incomes and one of the most common issues our clients experience is financial trouble. Our Hardship Fund is a way to quickly provide help to people in ways that are meaningful and flexible.
It is funded entirely by donations. For the most financially vulnerable people, access to money for short term needs - such as food, clothing, electricity, bus travel to a medical appointment, or replacing basic items - can make a huge difference. Where we can, we address people’s financial needs through mainstream means, such as maximising benefits, support with budgeting and debt advice. But, in some cases, options are limited and a small financial donation for a specific purpose may enable a client to better look after themselves, utilise other services or just survive a weekend. That’s when our Hardship Fund is most useful. Path is grateful, both to have the fund, and to those who support it and enable its continued existence. If you'd like to help us to help even more people in need, please consider supporting Path. |
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